Sleeping with Frankincense
In this blog we talk about the importance of a good nights sleep and how Frankincense has proven to really help. Sleeping is something we all do unless your a vampire. Every single person around the world has a time in the day or night where they need to ooze off for a few hours. For some it’s 3-6 hours whilst other can sleep for as long as 10-12 hours at a time. No matter how many hours you sleep the point is we all do it and we need it. We all wish our loved ones a good night, But how many of us actually have a good nights sleep?
We sleep to regain our strength, focus and mental capabilities. Just try staying awake for 2 days and see how disillusioned one can become. Many countries are lucky to have a siesta. Did you know that the body and mind works much better when you have a 30 minute nap around the time when the sun has left its highest point and start to rise down. In the UK we do not have this opportunity and many of us feel over worked, with not enough time to actually enjoy life and family time. This overworked system leads us to being tired, eating late , always rushing around and having restless nights. Science has given us much evidence about not to eat late at night or to drink coffee/tea/ alcohol, before we sleep. Even watching television just before or whilst tucked away in bed can have many negative effects in our sleep patterns. Some people smoke cannabis to help them sleep, but then wake up feeling moody, and lethargic, which makes one demotivated , regardless of all the debates about this herb, legal or illegal. Others take chemical tablets which help them sleep, again this too has many side effects. Shouldn't we all deserve to sleep good at night ? The truth is its in our own hands and our own fault weather we sleep well or not
How many of us will actually change the things that are not good for us to improve a good nights sleep? How do we get a good night sleep without changing too much of our lifestyle? After speaking with various people about their sleeping habits, I have come to understand many have matters on their mind that make one think too much. Meditation always helps us, but meditation is not for everyone, or maybe they do not have that belief in faith. In Feng shui they say sleeping in a room with mirrors is not so good, or to sleep with the bed facing the door with your feet facing towards it. These are all factors that can help one really sleep well at night.
Did you know the soul leaves the body at night, and returns to you before you wake up. This concept comes from many faiths. A room with mirrors can also effect your sleep as when the soul returns to the body it cannot differentiate between the body in the mirror and the actual body. They say never shake someone to wake them up. Sleeping on the right hand side can help with the energy flow of the body, posture and good dreams.
Over the years we have suggested to burn Frankincense before sleep. Not just any Frankincense , but our Citrus Hojari which has proven to help many people sleep well and to have good positive dreams. People who even have a habit of drinking coffee, smoking , eating late and even watching television in bed have all benefited from the positive effects of burning Citrus Hojari Frankincense in the room before sleep.
The way to use it is, just before you sleep light the charcoal and place in the burner. Wait a minute and add a few pieces of Citrus Hojari Frankincense to the coal. Leave a little bit of the window open ( for the first time ) so the air can drift the smoke around the house . Do not worry about the hot charcoal being lit with the Frankincense burning, as long as it is placed somewhere away form yourself i.e: not on the bedside cabinet, then there will be no hazards.
Best enjoyed with a candle light, Frankincense burning and a nice audio of prayers or meditation sounds. Good Night X
“Lovely to see you yesterday I have just received this txt from my friend who has been unable to sleep ..... Linda I got my frankincense out last night and wafted it about. I spent a bit of time in Holly’s room an then left it in mine. Well I kid u not I slept like the dead. And then when Holly came down this morning she said to me I have had the best nights sleep ever. I havnt slept like that for ages!!! Amazin!!! xxx Happy Days xx”
“I find that frankincense help me to sleep better. Thank you ”
“It was lovely to meet you yesterday and very interesting to talk about Frankincense and it’s many uses. I burnt my Frankincense when I got home and had a very peaceful evening and a good nights sleep! Good luck with the stall in the market and I will see you again soon”