Green the Finest
Green Frankincense
The Diamonds of Frankincense
It has always fascinated me the power of frankincense and how this ancient magical herb has transformed the lives of many throughout the centuries. I wanted to go deeper into the understanding and wisdom of Frankincense and the question has always been why was it so valuable , why was it given to baby Jesus and why and how did it become one of the largest traded commodities worldwide ? It’s history is so magnificent and it’s power is as equal. I use to hear about this resin and saw it a few times, small grains of resin that didn’t look so appealing or had the wow factor. For all those years I guess the Omani frankincense was kept within its borders being appreciated by the locals and a few outsiders who would experience it on their travels. Before I started the Frankincense trade and during my first few years I never met anyone that had such quality or even heard about the sacra. Since 2009 I have learnt a great deal about Frankincense and many others have been inspired about it too. One of the most amazing finds about frankincense was the secret of the Green Hojari. It was in Oman when I was informed about its healing benefits. They say it would heal the soul from all pains and worries. It made me want to look into it more further and I must confess I had the green in my possession for about a year or 2 before I would let the public know about it. Even at that time in 2011 many people didn’t know about the green Frankincense. I must have been the first to introduce it to the western world. I mean who else knew about it or could talk about its benefits? So what is it about this rare and amazing grade that gives Frankincense credibility of its power. There are 2 parts to this answer. The first is that it has a massive impact on health issues as is has powerful medical benefits. This can be from purification of the blood which itself is a cure for many dis-eases within the body. It also helps to purify DNA cells , which can slow down or even stop the spread of cancerous cells. Green Hojari is rich in Boswellic acid, Alpa-Pineans and the AKBA compound. All of which have been proven to have miraculous benefits. However these chemical components can also be found in all species of frankincense and in the various grades. Green just happens to have the highest content. The second part to this answer is it’s powerful spiritual effects. Now this is a subject which I can share with experience. To burn and appreciate the power of the green frankincense one must go on a spiritual journey within, through the various grades that we have to offer. Anyone can purchase the green frankincense and burn it at any given time to experience a clean and uplifting aroma. But not everyone can burn the green and experience the highest Divine connection. The secret is within the green. For the frequency of the Green Hojari to emit in the atmosphere, there must be a high vibrational energy already . Now every one will say that they have high vibration, sorry that is not true. Most of humanity are on an extremely low vibration. Just look around you if you can see. In my experience of Green I have never been closer to the Creator. This is not just felt with energy, but with a high level of synchronicity , a knowing and a release of all desires humans have. But most importantly an experience that many would understand as accessing the crystal knowledge, or Akashik records. The green must be respected, preserved and used at the correct time for experiencing a high level of spiritual wisdom. The removal of all nationalism , cultism , people idoling, false gods, demi gods, television , programming, etc etc will allow you to tap into something greater than what we see daily. I guess in some ways as much as I would like to share my own experience in some way I am resisting not to tell the full story.
But as a tip if you do burn then green for accessing something higher, be true to yourself, go deep inside with our Orange frankincense and when the time comes you will know. Do not burn the green directly on hot charcoal as it is so fresh one side will burn. Add some foil on top of the coal and place the resin on the foil. Enjoy this extremely moreish aroma. It will take you places you never knew existed, it will take you where you belong.
Whether it is chewed or drunk for medical use or burn for spiritual benefit, don’t forget to make the intention, and give thanks to the one who gave life to the tree.